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Embark on the thrilling adventure of parenting, discovering the world through your child's eyes. Our blog delivers expert insights and personal experiences to help you nurture your child's curiosity in a loving and supportive environment. Explore tips on parenting, child development, and fostering strong connections with your children

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Operation Party Survival: A Dad’s Guide to Kid Birthday Madness
Filip Cotter Filip Cotter

Operation Party Survival: A Dad’s Guide to Kid Birthday Madness

Ever been to a child's birthday party and felt like you've entered a battlefield? Navigate the chaos, dodge the over-sharers, and escape the sugar-fueled frenzy with our hilarious guide to surviving your child's friends' birthday parties! Learn how to deal with every type of parent and make it out with your sanity intact. It's a party, not a warzone!

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Navigating Life's Tough Questions with Kids: The Art of Honest Conversation
Filip Cotter Filip Cotter

Navigating Life's Tough Questions with Kids: The Art of Honest Conversation

Delve into the complexities of discussing life's most important topics with your children—death, race, and more. Learn how to navigate these waters with patience, clarity, and a sense of humor. Discover what experts and 'Sesame Street' have to say about it, and find out how ELI3 can make these difficult conversations a bit easier for modern parents.

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Magic of Storytelling: Beyond ‘Once Upon a Time’
Filip Cotter Filip Cotter

Magic of Storytelling: Beyond ‘Once Upon a Time’

Every parent knows the undeniable magic of story time. Snuggled up in a cozy blanket, the day's worries melting away as the enchanting words transport both child and parent into whimsical worlds of daring heroes, mystical creatures, and endless adventure. But, beyond the charming princesses and gallant knights, stories carry a weight and significance that's essential for a child's development. This isn't just "Once Upon a Time" fluff; this is brain-building, empathy-creating, world-expanding magic!

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10 Everyday Questions from Kids & How to Answer Them Simply
Filip Cotter Filip Cotter

10 Everyday Questions from Kids & How to Answer Them Simply

Being a parent is an adventure filled with both joy and challenges, particularly when it comes to communicating with toddlers. The toddler years are a time of significant development and growth, but they can also be marked by tantrums, misunderstandings, and communication breakdowns.

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